Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So, the server is down today.

Don't panic players, there's nothing wrong with your connection, put the knife down! The server is down momentarily and there's no telling when it'll be back up, probably soon though. My guess is that Vult-R is working on the latest Disconnecting exploit. If you don't know already, the exploit works with a player whose name has a string of W's (ie: Wmwwwwwwwwwwwwwmww) and then spams Global, Private, or Public chat with a string of W's.

Here we have the FIRST bank, one that we all know to be very busy and crowded, and here are the effects of these knuckleheads.

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Unfortunatley, I forgot to take a screeny of Aeven square, buy you can somewhat see around the paperdoll that it does indeed look..quite empty.

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Hopefully the problem is being taken care of. All I have done about it recently was put a lot of these names in my ignore list, and trust me, it isn't all that easy to figure out the names when you keep getting Disconnected. This is pretty much what I have so far:


It probably won't matter. Hopefully this exploit will be fixed and we can somewhat enjoy the game again. Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Kest10 said...

Keep the blog going, you doing a fine job Nick.