Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fitst "Serious" EO topic.

Baru prices steadily increasing.
I've been noticing lately that the prices of Baru and Baruta have been slowly increasing over the course of a few days. Just this past monday Baru was being bought and sold for just under 300k, and now I've seen it go as high as 500k. I've come to the conclusion that players believe that there's a chance that these items will be dropped again in yet another Christmas event. They're more than likely hoping that they can get rich off of selling Baru's at high prices before they're dropped yet again and become less valuable. Let's get real guys, there isn't going to be a Christmas event, at least not one thrown by the GMs. The only ones who ever come on to do anything (Arvid and Rexor) are not likely to even want to. I mean come on, it's Arvid. Sometimes I wonder if he celebrates his own birthday. And Rexor...well...y'think Rexor might do it? Vult has been MIA for a while, and by MIA I mean not REALLY BEING ON DOING SOMETHING other than just taking a peek around and logging off.
My point: Don't buy Baru for more than 230k, it just isn't worth it, and there haven't been any reports (to my knowledge) of anyone doing any mass junking of Baru's, so save that cash for some nice Ice Arrows or an Oron. Right now, a Baru just isn't worth it.

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